- Bush Foundation Community Innovation Grants
Community Innovation Grants support communities to use problem-solving processes that lead to more effective, equitable and sustainable solutions. Think of it as civic R&D, allowing communities to develop and test new solutions to community challenges.
- Donors Choose
A website with the mission to “make it easy for anyone to help a classroom in need, moving the nation closer to one where students in every community have tools and experiences they need for a great education".
- Federal Grants
Apply for federal grants using this website. Although some of these grants might be more difficult to obtain because they are very competitive, working with other entities to apply for some of these funds can have success within your community.
- North Dakota Career and Technical Education
NDCTE publishes grant opportunities on this website yearly for schools to take advantage of when implementing STEAM or STEM curriculum which would be perfect for a SmartLab. Some of the grant opportunities are matching grants.
- Creative Learning Systems Grant Recommendations
Check out Creative Learning System’s official website that lists specific federal, state, and private grants that may apply to your school district. In addition, see how much state and federal money is available in North Dakota.
- Guide to Securing STEM Grants
Click on this link to view the STEM Grants PDF Guide.