Tuesday, June 25, 2024 - 03:00 pm

The North Dakota Center for Distance Education (NDCDE) is proud to announce its comprehensive plan to support schools across North Dakota in meeting the newly mandated state content standards in cybersecurity and computer science. With an ongoing commitment to educational excellence and innovation, NDCDE has taken significant steps to integrate these critical subjects into its K-12 curriculum.

In response to the requirements outlined in NDCC 15.1-21-01(2) and 15.1-21-02(2)(b), NDCDE conducted an extensive review of its curriculum, aligning over 80% of the state’s computer science and cybersecurity standards across various grade levels. This effort ensures that students receive robust and recurrent exposure to these vital concepts, whether through core courses or technology-specific offerings.

A one-page summary showing where computer science and cybersecurity standards are incorporated into our curriculum is included below. We hope it serves as a resource for schools to determine which NDCDE courses to potentially incorporate into their local curricula to help cover computer science and cybersecurity standards.

For more information about the NDCDE Cybersecurity and Computer Science Standards Integration Plan, please see our full plan or contact us at info@ndcde.org.